Health Services (76) Mental Health / Counselling (100) Substance Use / Addictions (30) Condition Specific Info / Support (57) Medical Clinics & Private Health Providers (52) Basic Needs / Support (75) Abuse / Neglect (32) Children, Youth & Families (56) Senior Specific (71) Education / Employment / Development (53) Gov't / Legal / Complaints / Advocacy (84) Cultural / Recreation / Social / Religious (36)  
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Gov't / Legal / Complaints / Advocacy - Service Available in: English Language - Boundary (Grand Forks Area)

Program NameCity
Access Pro Bono Vsncouver
Ask JES: Multilingual Legal Help Vancouver
BC Human Rights Clinic Vancouver
BC Ombudsperson Victoria
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
CBAL Settlement Services - Boundary Grand Forks
Community Response Network (CRN) - Boundary
Grand Forks Courthouse Grand Forks
KB Organizations supporting Individuals with Developmental Disablities
Legal Aid BC Provincial Call Centre Vancouver
Legal Help BC Vancouver
Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime (OFOVC)
Office of the Veterans Ombudsman
Seniors First BC Vancouver
Seniors First BC Legal Programs Vancouver