Health Services (212) Mental Health / Counselling (204) Substance Use / Addictions (61) Condition Specific Info / Support (74) Medical Clinics & Private Health Providers (144) Basic Needs / Support (203) Abuse / Neglect (81) Children, Youth & Families (172) Senior Specific (272) Education / Employment / Development (167) Gov't / Legal / Complaints / Advocacy (166) Cultural / Recreation / Social / Religious (193)  
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Gov't / Legal / Complaints / Advocacy - Advocacy / Human Rights

Program NameCity
Advocate for Service Quality for Adults with Developmental Disabilities Vancouver
Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA) Burnaby
BC Office of the Human Rights Commissioner Vancouver
BC Ombudsperson Victoria
Boundary All Nations Aboriginal Council (BANAC)
Boundary Metis Community Association Grand Forks
Bureau of Pensions Advocates (for Veterans)
Canadian Council for Refugees Montreal
CBAL Settlement Services - Arrow & Slocan Lakes Nakusp
CBAL Settlement Services - Boundary Grand Forks
CBAL Settlement Services - Castlegar Area Castlegar
CBAL Settlement Services - Nelson Area and Kaslo Nelson
CBAL Settlement Services - Trail & Area Trail
Disability Alliance BC
Family Support Institute New Westminster
First Call Child and Youth Advocacy Society
Inclusion BC New Westminster
24hIndian Residential School Survivors Society West Vancouver
KB Organizations supporting Individuals with Developmental Disablities
Kootenay South Metis Society Trail
Mental Health & Substance Use Advisory Councils - West Kootenay Boundary Trail
Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) Consumer, Family and Peer Support - WKB Region Trail
Nelson and District Seniors Coordinating Society (SenCoord) Nelson
Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime (OFOVC)
Office of the Veterans Ombudsman
Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) Vancouver
Poverty Advocacy Program - Trail & Boundary Areas Trail