Mental Health / Counselling - Adult Counselling (Community)
BounceBack for Adults
A free skill-building program designed to help adults manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered on-line or by phone.more info
Counselling Services - Selkirk College
Counsellors provide personal and career counselling, educational planning, crisis support as well as advising on course selection and the transferability of credits.more info
Families Change Guide to Separation and Divorce
Family Advancement & Support - Trail & Castlegar
Offers group and/or individual support and education for families in order to develop new skills and strategies that address family risk factors.more info
Family Counselling - Nelson
Support for those adults/couples who are actively parenting children yet are experiencing emotional distress.more info
Family Counselling Program - Trail
Provides counselling to parents and children or youth in times of family conflict or crisis.more info
Family Services - Boundary
Services are provided to families experiencing personal difficulties, life transitions and family crises with a focus on keeping children safe. more info
Family Support Program - Salmo
Family support is provided for families who are experiencing challenges related to parenting and family stability.more info
Family Support Services - Kaslo
Offers emotional support, psycho-education, and advocacy for families.more info
Healing Our Spirits: Aboriginal Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) Program - West Kootenay Boundary
Offers support and services to persons of Aboriginal ancestry with substance use and/or mental health concerns.more info