Health Services (212) Mental Health / Counselling (204) Substance Use / Addictions (61) Condition Specific Info / Support (74) Medical Clinics & Private Health Providers (144) Basic Needs / Support (203) Abuse / Neglect (81) Children, Youth & Families (172) Senior Specific (272) Education / Employment / Development (167) Gov't / Legal / Complaints / Advocacy (166) Cultural / Recreation / Social / Religious (193)  
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Basic Needs / Support - Clothing / Goods

Program NameCity
Beaver Valley Thrift Store Fruitvale
Castlegar Hospital Auxiliary Treasure Shop Castlegar
Gospel Chapel Dry Goods Pantry & Friday Drop-in Grand Forks
Grand Forks (Boundary) Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store Grand Forks
Greenwood Thrift Shop Greenwood
Nelson and District Women's Centre Nelson
Nelson I.O.D.E. Thrift Shop Nelson
Nelson Positive Apparel Thrift Store Inc. Nelson
Rossland Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store Rossland
S.H.A.R.E.(Supporting Humanity and Responsible Ecology) Nelson Nelson
The Bridge Drop-In Centre and Thrift Store Midway
Thrift Store - Castlegar United & Anglican Churches Castlegar
Thrifty Treasures - Trail Trail
Trail Salvation Army Thrift Store Trail
Victorian Hospital of Kaslo Auxiliary Society (VHKAS) Thrift Store Kaslo
Whispers of Hope Thrift Store Grand Forks