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Education / Employment / Development - Selkirk College - Academic Upgrading / Transitions

Academic Upgrading - Selkirk College

Designed to allow mature students, generally over 18 years of age, to develop academic skills, personal management skills and teamwork skills for use in the labour force, in further academic training and in their communities.more info

Address / Contact Info
School of Academic Upgrading & Development
Upgrading Assistant: (250) 352-6001 ext 13230
Phone: (250) 354-3230
Web Links Website

SOAR (Steps to Opportunities, Academics & Readiness) Program, Selkirk College

Available to students whose academic, social, emotional and / or cognitive skills and abilities require personal support and assistance in order for them to actively participate in a college setting. more info

Address / Contact Info
Selkirk College, School of Academic Upgrading & Development
Program Coordinator: (250) 352 6601 ext 13219
Web Links Website

Transitions to Selkirk

Allows students enrolled in Grades 10 - 12 in the West Kootenay Boundary the opportunity to earn college-level course credits while still attending high school.more info

Address / Contact Info
Transitions to Selkirk, Selkirk College
Web Links Website