Confident Parents: Thriving Kids

Two free online programs to help parents support their children to manage either anxiety or behaviour challenges.

Helps parents develop skills and strategies to support their child aged 3-12 to manage anxiety or behaviour challenges, through a series of online videos (for anxiety) or workbooks (for behaviour) and activities, supported by coaching sessions by phone.

Coaching sessions can be scheduled during day, evening and weekend hours.

Both program streams are based on strategies shown to be effective, and are offered at no cost to parents and caregivers across BC.

  • Behaviour program:  Referral required from a family doctor or pediatrician .
  • Anxiety program: Referral required from a family doctor, pediatrician, psychologist, nurse practitioners, Child & Youth Mental Health clinician, Aboriginal Child &Youth Mental Health clinician,  teacher, school counsellor/psychologist or Early Childhood Educator.

Address / Contact Info

Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division
905 - 1130 West Pender Street Vancouver, BCV6E 4A4

Phone Numbers

Office: 1-800-555-8222
Phone: (604) 688-3234
Fax: (604) 688-3236

Web Links

Service Details

Languages spokenEnglish

Location Map

This program was last updated on: 13 May 2024.