BC Farmers' Market Nutrition Coupon Program - Nelson

The BC Farmers' Market Nutrition Coupon Program Fund provides opportunities for lower-income families, seniors and pregnant women to buy fresh, local food at BC  farmers' markets.

Community partner organizations provide coupons to eligible individuals and families. Coupons can be spent at all BCAFM member farmers’ markets that participate in the FMNCP, and can be used to purchase vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, dairy, cut herbs, meat and fish.

Each household enrolled in the program is eligible to receive a minimum of $27/week in coupons. The program generally  runs from May or June to September or October when produce is most abundant across the province.

Nelson Farmers' Market has 2 locations: 

  • Cottonwood Falls Park, 199 Carbonate Street: Saturdays: 9am - 2pm from May 18 to Oct 26, 2024  
  • Baker Street Farmers' Market: Wednesdays: 10am - 2pm from June 5 to Sept 25, 2024 

There are several Community Partners for the program in Nelson including the Nelson Food Centre,  Nelson & District Seniors Coordinating Society, Nelson & District Women's Centre and Kootenay Kids Society.

Contact one of these organizations for more information and to register for the coupon program.

Address / Contact Info

Nelson Market Contact : Alina Robitaille

Phone Numbers

Farmers Market Contact: (250) 352-8106

Web Links

Areas Served

Sub-Regions ServedNelson Area & Slocan Valley

Service Details

Program fee notesFree
Languages spokenEnglish

Location Map

This program was last updated on: 08 Aug 2024.