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Medical Clinics & Private Health Providers - Counsellors / Therapists / Psychologists - Nelson Area & Slocan Valley

Program NameCity
Ally Cannon Counselling
Ava Clark, Through the Woods Wellness Castlegar
Barb Gladue, B Proactive Counselling Midway
BC Association of Clinical Counsellors Victoria
BC College of Social Workers Vancouver
BC Psychological Association Referral Service
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Ottawa
Christa Garcia, Elspiri Counselling Collective Nelson
Christina Clapperton, Registered Social Worker Nelson
Christine Clark, Sea Change Wellness
College of Psychologists of BC Vancouver
Dawn Hertz Therapy
Denice McMechan, Becoming' Arrow Lakes Counselling Services Nakusp
Emily Zabel Counselling Services Nelson
Helena Bryn-McLeod, Fern Creek Counselling Nelson
Hersh Centre for Sexual Wellness Nelson
Jennifer Mair, JM Wellness Castlegar
Jesse Evans, Counselling
Jessica Cole, Aspen Winds Counselling
Jim Leitch, Sweet Seasons Counselling Grand Forks
Katrina Smith, Movin' Mountains Therapy
Kerry Lee, Kerry Counselling
Laurieann Narayan, Narayan Wellbeing
Melanie Jones Counselling Nelson
Mood Disorders Association of BC Vancouver
New Chapter Counselling & Crisis Response Inc Services
Richelle Johnston, Peach Door Counselling Nakusp
Sandy Maclean, Nelson Counselling Nelson