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Mental Health / Counselling - N. Kootenay Lake (Kaslo Area)

Program NameCity
24h310Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789
Aboriginal Health Coordinators - West Kootenay Boundary Castlegar
Aboriginal Patient Navigator - West Kootenay Boundary Region Castlegar
Adult Mental Health Services - Kaslo Kaslo
Ally Cannon Counselling
Anxiety Canada Vancouver
Barb Gladue, B Proactive Counselling Midway
BC Association of Clinical Counsellors Victoria
BC Bereavement (BCBH) Helpline: 1-877-779-2223
BC College of Social Workers Vancouver
BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services (BCMHSUS) Vancouver
BC Psychological Association Referral Service
BC Schizophrenia Society - Kootenay Boundary Vancouver
24hBC Suicide Intervention and Prevention Line 1-800-784-2433 (1800SUICIDE)
BounceBack for Adults
BounceBack for Youth
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Ottawa
Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division Vancouver
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Child and Youth Mental Health - Kaslo Kaslo
Christa Garcia, Elspiri Counselling Collective Nelson
Christina Clapperton, Registered Social Worker Nelson
Christine Clark, Sea Change Wellness
College of Psychologists of BC Vancouver
Community Connections Mental Health & Substance Use (MHSU) Clubhouse - Kaslo Kaslo
Community Living BC (CLBC) - West Kootenay Boundary Centre Castlegar
Confident Parents: Thriving Kids Vancouver
24hCrisis and Support Phone / Chat Lines Vancouver