Mental Health / Counselling - Child & Youth MH / Counselling /Support - Child Development / Special Needs
Aboriginal Infant Development Program - West Kootenay Boundary
Serves children birth to 3 years who are at risk for developmental delay or disability, or the caregiver has a concern regarding the child’s behavior or developmentmore info
Infant Development Program - Boundary
Parent education and family support assistance for families whose children have or may have developmental delays and are between newborn and 3 years of age.more info
Infant Development Program - West Kootenay
Services are for children from birth to 3 years who live in the West Kootenay region and are at risk for developmental delay or have a delay or disability.more info
Kootenay Child & Youth with Support Needs (CYSN) Family Support Services
Provides a wide variety of specialized services for families of children and youth with special needsmore info
Support Services for Families with FASD
Provides support, advocacy and referral for West Kootenay Boundary families who have children / youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or Complex Disorder, probable or diagnosed.more info