Health Services - Child / Youth Health
"Ages and Stages" Developmental Screening
Screening for children from birth to age five is offered in partnership with local early childhood professionals and provides a chance for local families to have a free opportunity to check their child’s development.more info
Aboriginal Infant Development Program - West Kootenay Boundary
Serves children birth to 3 years who are at risk for developmental delay or disability, or the caregiver has a concern regarding the child’s behavior or developmentmore info
Aboriginal Supported Child Development (ASCD) Program - West Kootenay Boundary
Intended for children who require extra support to be included in a child care setting more info
Audiology Regional Program
Prevention, early identification, auditory assessment and hearing evaluation for the prevention and detection of hearing problems from birth to 18 years.more info
Boundary Behavioural Support Services
Program serves the Boundary area and provides individual behavioural support to children and youth who have been diagnosed with Pervasive Development Disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorder or Aspergers Syndrome.)more info
Child and Youth (Ages 5-18) Public Health Services (IHA)
Local Public Health Centres offer a variety of services and information for children, youth and their families.more info
Child and Youth Care (CYC) Program
Serves children and youth who have a developmental disability, a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, or are eligible for the at Home Program (severe disabilities, complex health needs and/or palliative care)more info
Children's (Age 0 - 5) Speech and Language Pathology Therapy: Early Intervention Services - Castlegar and Nakusp Areas
Assists children from birth to 5 years to develop communication skills.more info
Children's (Age 0 - 5) Speech Language Pathology Services - Nelson Area
Provides programs for the prevention, identification, assessment and treatment of communication difficulties for children birth to school entry.more info
Children's (Age 0 - 5) Speech Language Pathology Services - Trail Area
Provides programs for the prevention, identification, assessment and treatment of communication difficulties for children birth to school entry.more info