Basic Needs / Support - Housing / Support - Emergency /Short Term: Women
Aimee Beaulieu Transition House - Nelson
Offers free, confidential, 24/7 temporary refuge and supportive services for women and their children leaving relationship violence. more info
Boundary Women's Transition House - Grand Forks
Offers 24 hour temporary free, safe shelter, and support for adult women and their dependant children, who are at risk of abuse, threats or violence. Also supports women and their children who are not staying at the Transition House.more info
Castlegar Safe Home for Domestic Violence
A crisis response offering free, temporary accommodation and support to women and their children who have been victims of domestic violence.more info
Kaslo Safe Home Program
Provides crisis intervention, and a local network of short term, free accommodation for women with their children and pets who are at risk of abuse.more info
Nakusp Safe Home Program
Provides safe, confidential, and free temporary housing to women (and their children) fleeing violence or the risk of violence. more info
Salmo Safe Home Coordination
Serves women and their children who are in abusive family situations by offering support, Information, safety planning, refuge in a safe location and transportation to a Transition House.more info
WINS Transition House - Trail
24/7 support and safe, free shelter from abuse, violence or the threat of abuse or violence to women (includes their children and pets).more info