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Basic Needs / Support - Financial / Income Assistance / Govt Info - Tax Filing

Community Volunteer Income Tax Preparation - Trail Area

A free outreach service that provides trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for low income individuals unable to do so themselves.more info

Address / Contact Info
Noma, Trail FAIR Office: (250) 364 2326 ext 221
Web Links Website Email

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - Boundary

A free outreach service, sponsored by the Canada Revenue Agency, that provides trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for low income individuals unable to do so themselves.more info

Address / Contact Info
Terry : (250) 442-6777
Karen: (250) 443-4208

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - Castlegar

A free outreach service, sponsored by the Canada Revenue Agency, that provides trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for low income individuals unable to do themselves. more info

Address / Contact Info
Castlegar and District Community Services Society
1695 Columbia Avenue
, Castlegar, BC, V1N 1J1
CDCSS Office: (250) 365-2104

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - Fauquier, Burton, Edgewood, Arrow Park

A free outreach service, sponsored by the Canada Revenue Agency, that provides trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for low income individuals unable to do so themselves.more info

Address / Contact Info
Fauquier United Concerned Citizens Foundation
214 Maple Street
, Fauquier, BC, V0G 1K0
Deborah McAulay, Income Tax Program: (250) 269-7570 ext 0
Web Links Website Email

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - Kaslo

A free outreach service, sponsored by the Canada Revenue Agency, providing trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for modest income earners unable to do so themselves. more info

Address / Contact Info
Lynda Beddow, Vol. Income Tax Program: (250) 353-7725
Web Links Website Email

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - Nakusp

A free outreach service, sponsored by the Canada Revenue Agency, that provides trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for low income individuals unable to do so themselves. more info

Address / Contact Info
303 Nelson Avenue N
, Nakusp, BC, V0G 1R0
Heather Davidson: (250) 265-3372
Web Links Website Email

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - Nelson & Slocan Valley

A free outreach service, sponsored by the Canada Revenue Agency, that provides trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for low income individuals unable to do so themselves. more info

Address / Contact Info
Nelson Seniors Coordinating Society
201 - 514 Vernon Street
, Nelson, BC, V1L 4E7
Phone: (250) 352-6008
Web Links Website Email

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - Salmo

A free outreach service that provides trained volunteers to prepare basic income tax returns for low income individuals unable to do so themselves.more info

Address / Contact Info
Salmo Public Library
104 4th Street
, Salmo, BC, V0G 1Z0
Phone: (250) 357-2312
Fax: (250) 357-2312
Web Links Website

Income Tax Credits / Benefits

Individuals, families with children and seniors may be eligible for tax credits and various programs based on their previous year's annual income as reported to Revenue Canada through completing an income tax form.more info

Address / Contact Info
Canada Revenue Agency, Winnipeg Tax Centre
Toll-free: 1-800-959-8281
Web Links Website