Children, Youth & Families - Early Years (0-5 Yrs) Programs - Parenting Programs
Circle of Security Parenting - Castlegar
Parenting program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. more info
Early Years Parenting Programs - Trail
Free parenting programs for parents and caregivers of preschool children ages 0 to 6 years,more info
Nobody's Perfect Parenting - Kaslo
A six-week support group for parents of young children to help increase parents' knowledge of children's health, safety and behaviour. more info
Nobody's Perfect Parenting - Meadow Creek
A six-week support group for parents of young children to help increase parents' knowledge of children's health, safety and behaviour. more info
Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program - Castlegar
Parenting program for parents with children ages 0-6.more info
Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program - Nakusp, New Denver & Area
A parenting group for parents of children 0 - 6 years of age.more info
Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program - Nelson
A 6 week program which includes learning how to better understand a child; information on children’s health, safety and behavior; coping with stress; and sharing ideas, tips and experiences.more info
Parenting Programs - Boundary
Six to ten week group sessions for parents which are focused on helping develop communication, coping and parenting skills.more info