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Gov't / Legal / Complaints / Advocacy - Restorative Justice

Greater Trail Restorative Justice Program

Seeks to create just outcomes by repairing the harm caused by crime and conflict and involves the participation of those responsible for the harm and those impacted directly and indirectly in finding a solution that repairs and promotes trust and harmonymore info

Address / Contact Info
Trail & Greater District RCMP Detachment
3601 Laburnum Drive
, Trail, BC, V1R 2S9
Web Links Website Email

Kootenay Restorative Justice (KRJ) Program

The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General promotes Restorative Justice approaches to crime through Community Accountability Programs (CAP).more info

Address / Contact Info
Kootenay Restorative Justice, W.E. Graham Community Services Society (WEGCSS)
1001 Harold Street
, Slocan, BC, V0G 2C0
WEGCSS Office: (250) 355-2484
Fax: (250) 355-2389
Web Links Website Email

Nelson Police Department Restorative Justice Program (NPDRJP)

Designed to assist youth and adults alike to achieve responsible solutions to the problems created by crime and other types of harmful behaviors. more info

Address / Contact Info
606 Stanley Street
, Nelson, BC, V1L 1N4
NPDRJP Manager: (250) 505-5654
Nelson Police Department: (250) 354-3919
Web Links Email